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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Island Map of Ven'Tul
![]() ![]() 1 - The Capital City of Lash'tyr - The capital city is the seat of government for the island of Ven'tul with a population of 600,000. The public senate, the royal palace as well as the ancient archives, guilds, colleges and Mage Colleges are all located here. The city is only at half capacity and was originally designed to hold several million citizens. However, because the population decided to disperse and expand creating many other city's on the island.. the numbers were greatly reduced.
2 - City of Tan'Arkus - This is a small city of 10,000 whose primary industry is raising animals and livestock for food purposes. The rich grasslands and forests of this are make it ideal. The climate here is mild and water is never a problem as it has several small lakes and rivers. Research and development for better farming and livestock techniques are done here. The Environmental Guild also exists here, they maintain the natural balance of resources and populations on the island.
3. City of Val'erac - This is a small city of 4,000 whose primary industry is raising and training the Skaaven, a race of flying Mammalian lizards found only on the island. The lizards are usually between 12 - 16 feet long with a 30 ft. wing spread when fully extended. They're scaled with thick plates and come in a variety of colors. A semi-intelligent race they bond with their riders at birth sharing a telepathic bond until either their riders death or their own. They're primarily carnivores and have a breath weapon attack as well as high agility and maneuverability in the air.
4. City of Shar - This is a small city of 13,000 whose primary industry is textiles and fabric manufacturing. They grow and harvest silkweed, a plant native only to the island. It's 4 times stronger than silk and once its woven has the density of a bullet proof vest. This material is applicable and extremely valuable in almost every capacity its used in be it military or civilian use.
5. City of Ka'lesh - This is one of the larger city's with a population of 250,000. They're primary industry is growing food crops and spices, harvesting and shipping them to other parts of the Island. This is a warm temperate region filled with rich volcanic soil making it the "bread basket" of Ven'tul.
6. City of Baalryn - This city has a population of roughly 9,000. They're main industry is the training and outfitting of soldiers and law enforcement officials for all the cities of Ven'tul. Master Fighters and Sea Farers work together here to train military and civil defense forces to be elite level. Hand Arts (Martial), Diplomacy, Command Training, Crisis Mgt., Weapons Training, Deployment, Special Forces, ect.. are all trained here. Men and women are trained equally here in the arts of war and law enforcement, significant emphasis on civil rights is also taught to every person who attends these elite academies.
7. Underground City of Halrua - This city is designed as a "safe zone" for the residents of Ven'tul in case of aerial attack or invasion. It's manned full time by a skeleton crew of 1,000 who mine the rich ore from the mountains when they're not maintaining the city. The city is capable of comfortably housing 60,000 people and has large areas that are designed for underground cultivation of crops and live stock if the need arises.
8. Underground City of Q'rsulo - This underground city is very small with a population of about 4,000. Their primary industry is mining the plentiful veins of precious metals and gems that seem to run endlessly through the mountains. These mines are old, and have been used for the last 100 years to pay for the building of Ven'tul. However, the resources in this area are so rich that they've been barely tapped and only 5 mines have been opened and worked. It's expected that each mine has at least another 20 years of productivity to it before new mines will need to be made.
9. Underground City of Menasu - The city has a population of about 130,00 who's main industries are a combination of building and storing the airship fleets as well as research and development. New ships and weapons, defense and offense developments are all made here. The city is also built as a "safe zone" for the other residents of the island. It can easily accommodate a population of 300,000 permanently.
10. Solar Energy Grid - This massive underwater net stretches around the entire island of Ven'tul. The primary function of the net is to prevent submarines, ships and humanoid fish races from entering Ven'tul on any side unannounced. Recent attacks on Tantallon by the aquatic fish humanoid race known as the Tsunomysh made this recent innovation essential.
The net is made of steel links 10 inches thick and is woven into a massive grid. The radius of the Grids protection is 500 feet from the grid itself. Three spells have been permanently cast on this underwater grid transforming it into a permanent artifact. Sunburst - This spell casts a 5ft. globe of searing heat that will explode on impact upon the nearest unauthorized ship, submarine or hostile alien life form. The larger the object, the more globes will be cast by the grid until the object is either destroyed or moves out of range. Sunburst works exactly like a Magic Missile Spell in that it never misses its target. Rusting Grasp - In the eventuality that a ship or missile of some sort was able to escape destruction by the grid with Sunburst this spell would take affect. It has a 100 ft. radius from the grid, and will turn anything of any metal or iron composition instantly into rust dust and fall apart harmlessly to the ocean floor. Spell Turning - All spells and affects cast by spells such as (Tidal Wave, Hurricane, Earthquake ect..) are turned and repelled instantly back towards the original caster.
The Grid can not be dispelled by any magical means, it is a permanent artifact. The grid's radius is 500 ft. and small fish, crustaceans and sea mammals no larger than roughly 1 foot wide can easily move through the net with no problems. All ships of Ven'tul are equipped with a special seal on their hulls which gives them access through the grid by use of a magical word by the Captain of the Vessel. Any target that comes within range of the Grids defense system will be warned by a Magic Mouth that will appear. The Magic Mouth is Cast with Comprehend Languages so it will be able to communicate with any known or unknown race. The Mouth will then give the intruders a 5 minute warning to move out of range or be destroyed. Simultaneously Harbor Control will be warned of a possible intruder so that it can establish communications via the Magic Mouth. At this time, clearances can be given by Harbor Control or rejected. Energy weapons directed towards the grid are useless. The energy is absorbed harmlessly into the grid and recycled for use in its defensive spells. Missile Weapons directed at the grid are automatically destroyed without question as soon as they appear within range. The grid prevents ships, submarines and life forms from using portals or teleportation spells to get through it or past it by simply turning the spell back towards the caster. IE: The caster uses portal or teleport.. the portal will appear but when they step through they'll find themselves in the same place they just left. The same is true with the teleportation spell. Only high ranking officers and officials that wear a specially designed broach are able to pass through the grid in this manner. If the official or officer dies and has the brooch stolen, the brooch will be useless since it's programmed into the energy field of the person it was personally designed for.
11. The Matrix Defense Grid - The Grid is a masterwork of energy manipulation by magical and physical means. It hovers above the city at a distance of 3 miles from the tallest tower point and is active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The grid of each city is maintained by 3 High Wizards who take a shift once every 8 hours.
The Grid extends from the tallest point of the city down to the very ground itself, and seals the city in a kind of bubble when fully activated. In each city on Ven'tul 4 Rylium towers dominate the sky, composed magically and carved of pure Rylium crystal they are an essential part of this weapons success.
The Spells cast into each tower are not dispersable by Dispell Magic or any other magically negating means, they are considered permanent artifacts. Essentially the spells cast on the towers have created a web of energy that bounces back and forth prismatically against each of the four towers. Rylium crystal has the ability to absorb energy and store it without taking any ill affects, hence which is why energy attacks against it are futile. The grid can be either raised or lowered by the mages controlling it. When the wall is fully activated it appears as a concave opaque shield of shimmering prismatic multicolors that protect from all forms of attack.
Repel Metal, Stone, Wood - This spell creates waves of invisible and intangible energy that roll forth from the Grid. All objects outside the grid made of any of these three elements are repelled at a distance of 100 feet per second for a maxium of 3,000 feet. Prismatic Spray - This spell causes seven shimmering intertwined multicolor beams of light to spray from the grid when it senses hostile ships and entities within 500 feet of it. Each beam has a different power and any creature within 500 feet of the grid are automatically blinded. Red - Stops nonmagical ranged weapons and deals fire damage. Orange - Stops magical ranged weapons and deals acid damage. Yellow - Stops poison gases and petrification deals lightening damage. Green - Stops breath weapons and deals poison damage. Blue - Stops divinations and mental attacks turns things struck to stone. Indigo - Stops all spells directed at the grid and deals ice damage. Violet - The energy field destroys all objects and effects deals
Airships that carry a specially attuned seal on their hulls are immune to the affects of the Shield and can pass in and out of it with ease. No one without this shield can teleport in or out of it, or walk in and out of it.
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