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The Elven Kingdom of Ven'Tul
![]() ![]() The Construction of Ven'Tul | The Exodus of DewWillow
![]() ![]() ![]() The Exodus of DewWillow
![]() ![]() Danya was finished dressing, the Elven Scale Mail fit to her form like a second skin. Magical enchantements woven into the metal itself gave her added protection against what could happen tonight. She finished braiding her hair and tossed it lightly behind her back, her hands tugging on the straps of her boots securing them tightly against her muscled calves.
Danya gazed into the mirror a moment, she looked more elven that she ever had. The royal seal adorned her left shoulder, small knives were tucked into the calf boots, her bow slung easily across her shoulders. At her hip a Sl'va whip hung, the vicious 8 steel pronged tips of it gleaming cruelly in the light. She activated the portal and stepped through to the Exodus Grounds.
The Exodus Grounds were in the center of DewWillow among an expansive glade of rainbow hued wildflowers that stretched for hundred of yards in either direction. The Glade was surrounded by massive Oak tree Sentinals, the giants soared into the sky some 500 feet. In the middle of the glade was a stone archway, powerful runes were engraved into the surface of it along the edges.
Thousands of Elves were in the Glade, young and old, noble and common they mingled together quietly along with their carts and wagons, knapsacks and bags. The Drow however stayed at the far end of the Glade seperate from the rest...some 7,000 strong they weren't joining the other thousands that were going through the gate to the new Colony.
The Stone Arches hummed softly as three ancient mages began their chanting on a small dias to the right of it. Blue and gold mist formed in the center of the archway, and then slowly peeled back to reveal a portal opening. Beyond it laid the towering walls of city unlike anything anyone had ever seen.
The city glittered against a sky of pure blue, crystalline towers rose gracefully from the ancient forest floor in arches and fanciful onion domes. The colors of the city changed with the shifting patters of the leaves and clouds in the sky.. a natural camaflouge. The crowd moved forward with their carts and families, exclaiming happily in Elvish.
The Elves moved swiftly and the arches were wide, hundred passing through at the same time as the Mages chanted, a forceshield of energy blanketed the moving crowd. Danya stood on the Dias with the mages, waving to her people as they moved through the great arch. Better than half of them were through now, and she smiled feeling better about it every moment.
An alert from the DIS Fenris far above warned of the approach of ShadowKnight Vessels, from the East Greyhelm vessels were on a direct intercept course. Danya had acknowledged the information and then hurried her people through shouting the warning. Some looked back with fear in their eyes, a few other with tears.. but their new home was isolated and had taken them 200 years to build.. it was a fortress.
The last of her people made it through, the archway hummed with power and Danya turned, sending in the last of the troops that had been waiting on standby to defend their people against a possible attack. As she glanced upward she could see the ShadowKnight Vessel hover over what was once the proud capital of DewWillow. Her crystal com suddenly crackled with the sound of Rawblades voice.
"This is Rawblade, Emperor of the newly formed Dren'gal Empire of the Drow. All Damcoles and Axius ship will leave this area immediately or be destroyed by my ShadowKnight allies. We are also claiming the former Kingdome of Muldane for our own.. anyone who resists us will be destroyed."
Danya shuddered slightly despite the heavy warmth of her armor.. the Drow were merciless.. the world had no idea of what they were capable of. She shook her head returning her attention to the task at hand. THe old mages were exghausted, their face pale with sweat. The eldest was Fenrel, his rhuemy eyes glanced deeply into Danya's as he spoke.
"It's time child.. complete the rite so that our people can remain safe"
She nodded and motioned the 10 personal gaurds who'd volunteered to stay with her, they moved in a partial semicircle around the mages. Her chin lifted softly, her eyes were warm.
"For the lives that you are about to sacrifice.. we are deeply grateful elders. You will be remembered for a 1000 generations after this, and our peoples peace and prosperity will be a direct result of your ultimate sacrifice to their salvation" She bowed deeply as did the elven gaurd.
The old Mages smiled peacefully, whispering softly as they sent their love and goodbye to the family they were leaving behind. Danya pulled her Q'rus blade from her hip and moved forward, in a lightening quick movement the blade slit all three throats in rapid succession. The wizards eyes widened, a small gurgle was heard from each and their bodies slumped lifelessly into the arms of the soldiers behind them.
The power of the arch began to snap and sizzle behind them, growing unstable without the Mages to control it.
"Quickly! Their blood must touch the arch to close it forever!"
The gaurd nodded and carried the corpses forward, allowing the lifeblood of the mages to touch the stone of the gigantic archway. The blue and gold mist swirled, compacting itself towards the center of the arch.. and then disappeared, sealing it forever. The great stone of the arch began to tremble... they would collapse at any moment.
Danya glanced upwards and nodded, swiftly spreading green powder of the three bodies.
"The Q'rus blade will prevent anyone from summoning their souls to reopen the gate or find the location of Ven'tul (Arcadia), now this powder will see too it nothing of their physical bodies is left to desecrate."
The powder quickly dissolved the clothing and bodies of the three mages, turning them into dust that was quickly swept away by the small wind she'd created. The stone of the arch began collapsing, one hitting the edge of the dias too close for comfort. Her ears flattened a moment and she hissed glancing upwards.
"Time for us to leave.. DIS Fenris please transport my men to your vessel"
The ship materialized far above them as the GreyHelm ships suddenly came to view in the distance and began firing on the capital of what was now known as Dren'gal. Her men began teleporting, but only 4 at a time could be taken. She hissed with impatience as hostilities in the area began to grow rapidly and murmurred a spell. The rest of the men were teleported aboard and she suddenly found herself on the control bridge of the Fenris.
Ian turned from his command chair and smiled to her. "Time to leave Ambassador?"
She smiled to him gently and nodded. "I think so Captain".
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